First joint initiative of the Group’s Financial Literacy International Network

Intesa Sanpaolo to spread financial education in various countries of operation

The Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s FLITIN – Financial Literacy International Network is promoting the initiative S.A.V.E. Ambassadors International Edition, the first joint initiative for young students from secondary schools (ages 16-18) in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Serbia, interested in actively involving their students in activities aimed at developing attention towards economic and environmental sustainability topics.

The initiative, based on the contents of the S.A.V.E. Virtual Tour ( of the Intesa Sanpaolo’s Savings Museum (, aims to bring young people closer to the themes of sustainability, circular economy, social inclusion and financial education.

After an introductory lesson given by FLITIN tutors, the classes involved in each country were asked to map unresolved environmental and social problems in their cities and to propose solutions. The activity involved interaction with the local administration, associations and businesses in the area and, where possible, discussions with citizens. This activated national contests that resulted in the production of project works by which the students from each school presented the findings of their research, and the proposals they made to the local Mayor or other institutions to address the problems identified.

The eight best projects, one for each country as locally selected, were presented to the international jury presided over by Intesa Sanpaolo Chairman Prof. Gian Maria Gros-Pietro and comprising Marco Elio Rottigni, Chief International Subsidiary Banks Division Intesa Sanpaolo, Luisa Ferreira, Head of Social Program EIB Institute and Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Savings Museum during an online event held on January 31st last.

The event concluded with an award ceremony for the top three projects: the first winner, the project from Moldova received a gift of a forest of 30 trees planted for the occasion in a developing country, which can be geolocated and monitored thanks to a special app. The projects placing second and third, respectively from Croatia and Hungary, were rewarded with the adoption of 20 polar bears and 10 endangered sea turtles in cooperation with WWF.

“The idea of the competition is to promote awareness of issues of great relevance for the future of the new generations from eight culturally and economically diverse countries. The initiative promoted by FLITIN aims to help teenagers understand the complexity of environmental sustainability choices, in light of their economic implications and the potential for inclusion and reduction of inequalities they entail,” commented Giovanna Paladino, Director and Curator of the Savings Museum.

FLITIN (Financial Literacy International Network) is a network of ambassadors of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group whose aim is to spread financial education in Italy and in the various countries where the International Subsidiary Banks Division is present: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. An international network that aims to share knowledge, skills, methodologies, tools, resources and experiences in the field of financial education, with a single overarching objective: to increase the level of financial economic literacy of citizens, with high quality standards and according to OECD guidelines.

In Egypt, ALEXBANK- a bank of Intesa Sanpaolo Group- joined the SAVE Ambassadors Initiative with two schools, Ecole Oasis Internationale and Metropolitan International School. Participating students were sent out on field visits to Very Nile Head Quarters in Al-Qursaya Island, in which they try to find eco-friendly solutions to remove inorganic waste from the Nile, in addition to Hay El-Zabaleen, the largest community of Garbage Collection in Cairo, in collaboration with APE (Association for the Protection of the Environment). Students were then able to point out environmental and social problems and provided solutions to solve them. After screening the submitted projects, ALEXBANK chose the top 3 projects to be our national winners. The first-place winner represented Egypt in the international competition through the project ‘‘E-Cairo Friendly’’, a festival solution that encourages families to bring their food wastes to find innovative ideas to reuse them through organising group activities. The projects “Burning Tires” and “Biodegradable – The New One Use”, won the second & third place respectively in the national contest. The projects proposed eco-friendly sustainable solutions to Egypt’s major environmental concerns.

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